This might get windy. We'd love to push an update to into the Mac App Store. We really would. However, the problems are compounded:
- First off, Apple no longer allows QuickTime(™) applications in the Mac App Store. As the current build of uses QuickTime(™), it can't be updated without a 64-bit rewrite to at least QTKit or AVFoundation. That's coming, but not this year (2015).
- Secondly, with all the crashing apps, submission time to get an update into the store is, well, lengthy. Even if we wanted to get the update to you last week, it would still be "Waiting for Review"
The good news is, we have an update for you now. Download link above. Here are the steps:
- Make sure the most updated version of is installed on your computer (from the Mac App Store).
- Double click on while connected to the internet. The error message should read "This application is damaged...quot;
- Remove all the old CMIO drivers and the Prefs panel (FROM THIS OLD LINK).
- Next, download the update and drag it to the desktop.
- Double-click on (the update).
- should launch.
- In Preferences, install the CMIO drivers.
- That's it.
Labels: application is damaged error, camcamx2, support, update
Yosemite, CamCamX2 and Video Input Sources
If you're using CamCamX (any version, including the free version) with 10.10 Yosemite, you will need to install the QuickTime Player (free) download from Apple if you want to use videos as a fake webcam in CamCamX.
QuickTime Installer (Tested on 10.10.4)
Labels: 10.10, quicktime
QTKitVDIG 1.0.8 - Handling 16:9 and 4:3 HD FaceTime Cameras
We just posted an update to QTKitVDIG (version 1.0.8) which is our first attempt to address the fact that there are two different models of FaceTime HD cameras: those with a native resolution of 1280x960 and those with a native resolution of 1280x720.
You may find this update useful. Labels: camcamx, camcamx2, qtkitvdig
New Yosemite & Mavericks Drivers for CamCamX2
NOTE: As of CamCamX 2.0.8, these drivers are no longer necessary. 
New drivers for the (Mac App Store) allow live streaming to Adobe Flash (in Safari 8) on Yosemite and Mavericks. The new driver is also much faster and compatible with recent versions of Skype.
Download from our CamCamX2 support page or from BLKOPCCX2MAS_esd.dmg.
What problem are we trying to solve here? Well, it's like this: runs in a security sandbox. runs in a security sandbox. Our new magical elf (aka the driver) routes the CamCamX2 mixer output back into Safari and Skype as a virtual camera input.
Don't forget to disable App Nap for both and (camera driver). Labels: adobe flash, camcamx2, mac app store, safari, skype, YouTube streaming
Yosemite 10.10.2 Compatibility Report
UPDATED 2015/04/17 As Apple continues to increase the security of the so-called "Application Sandbox", some combinations of apps will not work. At this time, our preferred solution for webcam streaming is VirtualEyez HD. The CMIO driver has new features which make it more compatible with 3rd party camera applications. However, no 3rd party CMIO driver is compatible with Google Chrome (64-bit) and Adobe Flash. As of the date of this post, that configuration is not working with any camera. Our recommendations are in bold:
Skype 7.0 - Compatible with VirtualEyez HD (2.0)
Skype 7.0 - Not compatible with CamCamX 2.0 (Web Download)
Skype 7.0 - COMPATIBLE with CamCamX2 (Mac App Store)
Safari 8.03 + Adobe Flash - Webcam - Compatible with VirtualEyez HD (2.0)
Safari 8.03 + Adobe Flash - Webcam - COMPATIBLE with CamCamX2 (Mac App Store).
Google Chrome 41.0.2272.118 + Adobe Flash - Webcam - Not compatible with any camera
Labels: adobe flash, camcamx2, CoreMediaIO DAL driver, skype
CamCamX2 (Mac App Store Edition) Prefs Panel (Virtual Camera Drivers) Updated
NOTE: As of CamCamX 2.0.8, these drivers are no longer necessary.  We have updated the codesignature on the add-in drivers for the Mac App Store edition of CamCamX.
Available for download ( BLKOPCCX2MAS_esd.dmg) from our CamCamX2 (Mac App Store) page.
Do not install this Pref Pane or CMIO driver unless using the Mac App Store edition of CamCamX2!
Update required for OS X 10.9.5 and 10.10.x Yosemite.
This update addresses the error message generated by Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite when attempting to double-click install the CamCamX2 Prefs Pane. No other changes to the drivers. Labels: 10.10, 10.9.5, camcamx2, CoreMediaIO DAL driver, mac app store, mavericks, yosemite
Resolving Problems with 3rd Party External USB and FireWire Cameras in the MAS (Mac App Store) Edition
We are working on resolving problems with the Mac App Store edition of and 3rd party external USB and FireWire cameras.
If you are having problems with getting your webcam recognized by the Mac App Store edition of, please try this solution:
1. If installed, remove the QTKitVDIG.component driver (from System Preferences).
2. Open the bundle (use show package contents in Finder).
3. In the Plugins folder, delete or rename the QTKitVDIG.component
4. Relaunch
If this does not solve the problem, please contact tech support.
Labels: 3rd party webcam, camcamx2, driver, mac app store
CamCamX 2.0, Safari 6.1.1 and 10.8.5
COMPATIBILITY NOTE: Safari 6.1.1 on 10.8.5 introduced sandboxing for WebKit plugins. Until we have a solution for this change, please use Firefox or Chrome to stream live to Adobe Flash-enabled websites.
UPDATE: Our VirtualEyez 3-camera switcher is compatible with all sandboxed versions of Safari / Flash.
Labels: firefox, google chrome, safari, video mixer mac, youtube live
YouTube Live Video Mixer Mac Apple
Bring on the school holiday pageants, local baseball games and armchair poetry slams… YouTube today announced that it is expanding its live video services to the masses. Everyone who has a verified account can now stream live video on YouTube, and verified accounts can now create a Google+ Hangout on Air.
A major announcement! Now use CamCamX for all your worldwide broadcasting needs. Labels: apple, mac, streaming, video mixer, youtube live
Remote Controlled Drone Camera (Hobby)
CamCamX2 (Mac App Store Edition) and 10.9 Mavericks
CamCamX2 is compatible with Mavericks 10.9.
Based on our testing, CamCamX2 (MAS) works just as well on 10.9 as it does on 10.8.5.
Please contact us if you have any questions. Labels: 10.9, camcamx2, mac os x, mavericks
CamCamX2 (Mac App Store) new QuickTime(tm) VDIG Driver
We posted a minor fix to our QuickTime(tm) driver today. The VDIG driver is responsible for routing the mixer output from CamCamX2 (Mac App Store) into any QuickTime(tm) enabled camera app. This includes most webcam apps written for Mac in the past 7 years.
Recommended for all CamCamX2 (Mac App Store) customers.
Also recommended (for Live Streaming): camcamx2, driver, live streaming, mac app store, VDIG
CamCamX2 (Mac App Store Edition)
It's been quite a haul: months and months of nothing but IOSurfaceRef and OpenGL FrameBufferObjects with no creativity in sight. So... tonight we kicked back (a little) to run CamCamX2 through some of our favorite paces.
Multi-camera live streaming mixes to any of your favorite cloud services. Anywhere you can webcam you can live mix with CamCamX.
- Adobe Flash 11 within 64-bit Safari
- Skype (
- Live Webcam Recording to YouTube
- QuickTime Broadcaster RTSP
- Adobe Flash Media Encoder 3.2
- iMessage (Mountain Lion)
- Google Hangouts - live broadcasts
- Adobe Flash within 32-bit Chrome Browser
- FaceTime* (Mountain Lion)
NOTE: *Requires sysadmin privileges
SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY (Tested 2013.09.14)
- Snow Leopard 10.6.8
- Lion 10.7.5
- Mountain Lion 10.8.4 and 10.8.5
- Mavericks 10.9
Since CamCamX2 runs in the application sandbox, there are certain scenarios which may be impossible with the Mac App Store edition. Please contact us if you need a solution. Labels: 64-bit, adobe flash, adobe flash 11, adobe flash media encoder, camcamx, facetime, google chrome, google hangouts, imessage, live streaming, live webcasting, quicktime broadcaster, safari, skype
Mountain Lion 10.8.5 and CamCamX2 (Mac App Store Edition)
If you're running the Mac App Store Edition of CamCamX2, please contact support if you run into any problems with the live streaming drivers. We have fixes/workarounds for all scenarios.
Speaking of live streaming drivers, we posted an updated version of the System Prefs pane that has been signed with our DeveloperID certificates so it meets Gatekeeper muster. If you know what that means, you know too much. Labels: camcamx2, cmio, CoreMediaIO DAL driver, mac app store, mountain lion
CamCamX 2.0 (Mac App Store Edition)
If you have the Mac App Store Edition of CamCamX 2.0, please be sure to visit the support page and download the System Preferences Pane for the MAS edition.
This free download from our website includes one click installers for the system drivers needed for live streaming. Labels: camcamx, facetime hd driver, mountain lion
Skype best choice for CamCamX 2.0
Historically, Skype has gone through periods where 3rd party webcam / driver support was uneven. Our customers report that the most recent (6.7) builds of Skype are not suitable for use with CamCamX 2.0.
Instead, use the earlier build Skype (released on or about July 2013) with our new CoreMediaIO (CMIO) camera driver. It seems to be working great with 10.7.5 and higher.
If you're still having trouble with Skype you might consider rolling back to an even earlier (5.x) revision, as all versions of Skype client are completely interoperable.
If you're having difficulty locating an official download for Skype, please contact support, we can help with that. Labels: lion, mac os x, mountain lion, skype, skype effects, video mixer mac
CamCamX 2.0 (Mac App Store Edition) Almost Here
  iTunes reports that the new Mac App Store Edition of CamCamX 2.0 has been released to the store.
Depending on what international locale you're in, CamCamX 2.0 should be soon available here at this link.
Remember: to enable live streaming to Adobe Flash 11, Safari and most other FaceTime-camera enabled applications, you'll need to install the CamCamX2Prefs panel -- a free download from our website. Labels: camcamx, facetime hd driver, mac app store
CamCamX2 Shared Mode Camera Access and MacBook Air Mid-2013 Compatibility
 The new MacBook Air (mid-2013, released in June) has a new kind of widescreen built-in camera.
Click the link to download the free BLKOP QKAM driver for MacBook Air mid-2013 FaceTime HD camera support.
This new driver also allows CamCamX2 and DotMatrix to open the Built-in iSight camera using "Shared Mode". You can switch between shared mode and exclusive mode.
The driver is packaged in a convenient System Preference Pane. Just download the DMG and double-click to install the PrefPane and then install the VDIG component.
The driver can be easily removed from the Pref pane. Labels: facetime hd driver, macbook air mid-2013 camera, quicktime, VDIG
CamCamX 2.0
It's got a new AVFoundation driver that works with Adobe Flash 11.7 in a 64-bit browser and more importantly, a new icon. CamCamX 2.0 is the name of the upgrade, and registered users can purchase for $30 in the online store (you should have received a link via email).
Contact us if you need to update our records with your current email address.
It's still the best fake webcam on the Mac as well.
- Adobe Flash 11.7 supported!
- Safari 64-bit supported!
- CoreMediaIO driver included!
- New icon and fresh look without an exclamation point.
- Compatible with all Macs manufactured since 2006, including G4/G5.
For all the deets too big for a blog post, check out the CamCamX 2.0 Data Sheet. Labels: fake webcam, flash, live mix
CamCamX 1.811
It's multi-threaded, it's been optimized for better OpenGL performance, and it's still 100% CamCamX. Don't forget: under newer versions of Mac OS X, if you need to stream to a Flash website like Stickam or YouTube, you will need Google Chrome.
This is due to the fact that our virtual camera drivers are 32-bit and Google Chrome is also 32-bit.
Do you need a 64-bit browser? Why 640KB oughta be enough for everyone. Labels: adobe flash 11, camcamx, google chrome, streaming
ALERT: Google Chrome now best choice for Virtual Streaming
It's difficult for us to track all the security changes added by Apple in Lion and Mountain Lion. However, it is clear that some combinations of Safari and Flash do not support our virtual camera driver system (which is based on Apple-approved QuickTime(tm) components).
If you're having trouble using CamCamX with Safari and a live web streaming site, try using the same configuration with (free) Google Chrome.
You may also find success by using Safari in 32-bit mode, but users report that Chrome is the most reliable solution at present.
Snow Leopard / Mountain Lion / Quartz Composer / CamCamX
CamCamX (and indeed each of our applications which support QuickLook) utilizes a special "driver shim" file CamCamXInput.plugin (CoreImage Image Unit). In Leopard and Snow Leopard, prior to late revisions of Snow Leopard (10.6.8), it was recommended that these optional driver components be installed here:
/Library/Graphics/Image Units
However, with changes to the operating system aimed at security, starting with later versions of 10.6.8 and Mountain Lion, the individual user's Library folder is now the recommended installation location for these drivers:
/Users/me/Library/Graphics/Image Units
If the CamCamXInput.plugin is installed in the /Library/Graphics folder, the output of the CamCamX mixer will not be available to QuickLook (Finder).
CamCamX Flash 11 Compatibility
 Some users have reported incompatibilities running CamCamX with Safari and Flash 11. This is because Safari is now a 64-bit application and Flash 11 runs in 64-bit mode as well. To use Safari with Flash 11 and CamCamX, you must set Safari to open in 32-bit mode. This is done in the Finder using Get Info. 1. Locate Safari in Finder. 2. Choose "More Info..." button or "Get Info..." from the File menu. 3. Select the box marked "Open in 32-bit mode." Google Chrome is a 32-bit browser. Chrome also works with CamCamX and Flash 11.
Switching A/B Cameras (Internal vs. External)
If you have an external USB camera and you wish to switch the A/B camera views, here are the steps: 1. Under the Camera A menu, choose "No Camera". 2. Under the Camera B menu, choose "No Camera". 3. Under the Camera A menu, choose "No Camera" again: this will refresh the camera list. 4. Under the Camera A menu, choose "Logitech" (or similar). This should open the Logitech camera. 5. Under the Camera B menu, choose the "iSight" or "FaceTime" camera. In general, choosing "No Camera" from either "Camera A" or "Camera B" menus will refresh the camera list. New camera drivers are only recognized when CamCamX starts up, so a new camera might not be recognized unless you quit and relaunch CamCamX.
CamCamX, Adobe Flash and Mac OS X Lion
There is a small compatibility glitch in the way that camera and microphone settings are accessed in Flash under Lion.
The popup window that appears when you first access an online web site that requires access to your camera is unable to respond to mouse clicks. The workaround is to make adjustments to the global settings for Flash.
Conveniently, the Adobe Flash Settings Manager is a hypertext link. Access it here:
To Use CamCamX with Safari under Lion
- Set the global Flash preferences for that website to "Always allow"
Labels: camcamx, flash, lion
CamCamX and Mirial Softphone
One of our persistent customers suggested we work on the compatibility with Mirial Softphone, a H.263 internet video telephone solution for the Mac. The standard version of CamCamX flickers badly with Mirial Softphone. We were able to diagnose the problem and have a custom fix available (1.806 support release - contact us if you need it). Labels: mac, mirial, softphone, video mixer
CamCamX 1.805 with QuickLook and Enhanced QuickTime Live Streaming
Version 1.805 of CamCamX is here along with full support for live streaming into any Snow Leopard QuickLook-enabled application. Look inside the Leopard Goodies folder of the installer and you'll find everything you need to stream CamCamX output live into an iChat Theater session or Finder. Also new in this version is CamCamX Start CamCamX and open this movie file in any QuickTime enabled player that can play looping movies and you've got a live output of your CamCamX mixer feed! From your insanely great friends at Black Op! Labels: quicklook, quicktime, snow leopard
CamCamX issues with Skype
WORKAROUND: Maximize the CamCamX monitor window to Full Screen and share that Desktop in Skype. CamCamX (and other BlackOp and 3rd party virtual camera drivers) have an issue with Skype Skype needs to change the way it handles the isInUseByAnotherApplication selector for our camera driver. This issue would affect all virtual camera drivers including Google Talk etc. Labels: skype
Snow Leopard 10.6.7 and CamCamX
One customer reported problems when running CamCamX under the 10.6.7 Snow Leopard update. We installed the update here and didn't have any problems. After googling a bit, we uncovered a variety of 10.6.7 problem reports related to repairing disk permissions on your boot drive. Startup in safe mode and see if the problem still exists. To start in safe mode: Turn the computer off. Press the power button. When you hear the startup tone hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone. Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear). When in safe mode, do a repair disk permissions (Disk Labels: 10.6.7, snow leopard
10.6.6 and Recording
Starting with Snow Leopard 10.6.6, compatibility problems with QuickTime Player Pro 7 have been corrected and now you can once again record directly from the CamCamX mixer output to a H.264 (or native) movie inside QuickTime Player Pro 7. Reminder: 1. Launch CamCamX. 2. Enable "Allow New Camera Connections". 3. Start/launch QuickTime Player Pro 7. 4. Open Preferences. 5. Choose the CamCamX virtual camera drive. 6. Under the File menu, choose New Movie Recording. QuickTime player will continue to record your mix until you click stop. You can switch back to CamCamX and operate the mixer while QuickTime records in the background. You can also do this with Quicky and Quickier (our free recording apps).
CamCamX 1.701 for Snow Leopard
CamCamX 1.701 is now available for downloading. Included in this release are important compatibility updates for Snow Leopard. In addition two new camera mix-modes are included. Side-by-side CNN style (using this mode will bring in the A-camera "still picture" image as the background. And also Picture-in-Picture, which allows you to run more traditional news stories. It's best to prep your artwork as 640x480 4:3 images for both performance and display. Also, if you have Flip4Mac or Perian installed, more types of video can be used as sources. Speaking of source video, check out - a site that allows you to download most youtube clips as .mp4. In general, MP4 clips are the best source format for CamCamX. We determined this experimentally by looking at the performance of various codecs. Sure, H.264 works great, but when you've got multiple cameras running and multiple webcam clients ( and, it's more important to balance the CPU load by using traditional MP4.
5-Camera Inputs Now Possible
We've been able to successfully configure a 1G Macbook (White) to work with 5 simultaneous camera inputs (Two USB cameras, two external Firewire iSight cameras and the Built-in iSight). 1. Get your free license to FourEyes3D (CamCamX users can email us). 2. Start FourEyes3D, use the [ 1 ] and [ 2 ] buttons as a 2 input switcher. 3. Enable Rebroadcasting in FourEyes3D. 4. Start Q@amera. Open the first Firewire iSight as the input. Enable Rebroadcasting. 5. Start CamCamX. 6. In CamCamX, select FourEyes3D as the A camera and use Camera B to switch between Q@mera and iSight #2.
Live Video Mix to Flash Webchat
Some Flash-based webcam applications are using the driver description string instead of the name of the camera in the camera selection popup. This can be confusing with CamCamX. The driver description for CamCamX is: USB Video Class VideoLabels: flash, live mix, webcam, webchat